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Stocksfield Habitat Survey 2022-2023
Checking up on Habitat & biodiversity in Stocksfield Parish
Over 20 years ago, Broomley & Stocksfield Parish Council – yes that was before it changed its name - were approached by English Nature (now also re-branded as Natural England) asking if there would be any interest in carrying out a full Habitat Survey of the whole parish. At that time English Nature had their offices at Stocksfield Hall and offered to provide training to volunteers and meet all production costs.
Some members of the Parish Council Rights of Way Advisory Group took up the offer and a ‘Stocksfield Environment Group’ was formed to carry out the survey. Members had a common interest in Natural History as well as being keen walkers and were keen to do something that no other parish in Northumberland had attempted. Training was provided by English Nature staff and, following a ‘Pilot Study’ using the Community Woodland carried out and published in 2002, the full survey was completed in 2003 and copies, paper ones of course, distributed.
The closing paragraph of the 2003 Survey contained the hope that the survey would be repeated 10 years later! Fast forward to 2022 and, in response to concerns over habitat loss and climate change, some of those involved 20 years earlier were approached to repeat the survey. More volunteers were recruited, training provided, landowners approached and the survey was repeated. Some areas were surveyed in late summer 2022 and the remaining ones surveyed in 2023. This took a lot of organising and a good deal of editing and collating but the final product of all this work, involving over 30 Stocksfield residents, is finally available for all to see.
This time the internet allows almost everyone to view the survey and not, as in 2003, just those able to get hold of a paper copy. We hope you find it interesting and fairly reassuring. Attempts to follow up the survey and improve the biodiversity of our parish depend on the level of interest from residents so please contact the Parish Clerk if you are interested in being involved.
Link below to the survey and 3 appendices:
Appendix 1 - Survey Reports
Appendix 2 - Photographs
Appendix 3 - Broomley Grange Tree and Plant Survey
New system launched for reporting street repairs
A new online service for people to report problems on the Northumberland's streets has gone live. Using FixMyStreet Pro, residents can now photograph, locate and highlight an issue all by using their mobile phone. Issues can be reported simply by going to on a mobile phone, computer, tablet or Northumberland County Council’s website.
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New Clerk to the Parish Council
The Council is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Lucy Guthrie as the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council who will take over following the retirement of the current Clerk in May.
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