Annual Accounts 2023/24
Friday 30 August 2024
The external auditor, Mazars LLP, has now completed its audit of the 2023/24 accounts and the cetified Annual Governance and Accountability Return can be viewed here. Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounts to be audited. For the year ended 31 March 2024 these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to the Clerk - see full information here.
The statement of receipts and payments for each financial year will be published here - one per year - and will be provided from 2015. The annual report of the external auditor, which includes statements by the Council about its annual accounts and governance arrangements, will also be posted here once complete. From 2018/19 the year end accounts are available in a combination of HTML and PDF formats. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return includes the signatures of both the Chair and Clerk and is therefore only available as a PDF. Documents from previous years are available as PDF only.
2023/24 Year End Accounts Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2023/24
2022/23 Year End Account Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2022/23 (PDF) Annual Internal Audit Report (PDF)
2021/22 Year End Account Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance Accountability Return 2021/22 (Sec 1 and 2) (PDF) Sec 3 (PDF)
2020/21 Year End Accounts Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 (PDF)
2019/20 Year End Accounts Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 (PDF)
2018/19 Year End Accounts 2018/19 Annual Governance and Accountability Return secs 1,2&3 (audited)(PDF) Notice of conclusion of audit(PDF)
2017/18 Year End Accounts 2017/18 External audit (interim) report 2017/18 external audit final report
2016/17 Year End Accounts 2016/17 External audit report