Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 23 July 2019 at Stocksfield Community Centre
Present: Ms M Hunt (Chair), Mrs J Furniss, Mr C Liddle, Mr D Parke, Mr M Parker, Mrs H Rae, Dr P Vickers.
Mr N Spencer (Clerk to the Council).
Apologies: Mrs J Robson, Professor R Thompson.
Also present: Mrs A Dale (County Councillor).
The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed those present.
19/7/86 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
19/7/87 Public Participation
Parking of vehicles New Ridley Road at Stocksfield Golf Club
The Clerk reported that a resident of New Ridley has complained about the continued indiscriminate parking of vehicles at the above location and particularly around the entrance to Winston Way when the golf club’s car park is full. The resident is to contact Northumberland County Council (NCC), as the Highways Authority, and asked that members be made aware.
Overgrown hedges
Dr Vickers said that a resident had approached him about overgrown hedges in the village and he had referred them to NCC who have responsibility for enforcement.
19/7/88 County Councillor update
Mrs Dale updated the Council in respect of car parking; hedges; work on Meadowfield Road; road safety schemes on New Ridley Road at East Ridley and at New Ridley and on the A695; and lighting at the railway station.
19/7/89 Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 June 2019
It was AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2019 were a true and accurate record (proposed Mr Parke, seconded Mr Parker).
19/7/90 Matters Arising
Sling Rotator at Branch End play Area
The Clerk reported that the foundations of the equipment had been exposed and complied in respect of width and length. However the central column has been found to be out of vertical alignment, which is likely to have contributed to the failure of the bolts. Despite repeated contact, the supplier has not provided any information to resolve the situation. Members AGREED that the matter should be escalated within the management of the company involved. Action: Clerk
19/7/91 Finance
Approval of June payments
It was AGREED that the payments for June be approved as detailed in the previously circulated schedule (proposed Dr Vickers, seconded Mrs Furniss) and the summary of receipts and payments for the month was noted.
19/7/92 Parish Council Representatives
On 18 July 2019 the Chair attended a meeting of the East Tynedale Town and Parish Councils’ Forum. Amongst other things, information was provided about NCC’s changes to verge cutting services and the development of a new waste strategy, including a planned trial of doorstep household glass recycling. The control of invasive species at Wylam was also explained.
19/7/93 Advisory Groups
a) General Governance Advisory Group (GGAG)
i) Notes of GGAG meeting 17/06/19
Members noted the previously circulated notes.
ii) Replacement of seat at war memorial
The Chair referred to a previously circulated report concerning the potential replacement of the wooden bench at the war memorial with a suitable commemorative bench, so as to complement the recently ‘gifted’ bench. After discussion it was AGREED (proposed Mr Liddle, seconded Mr Parker) to purchase and install a new metal bench to commemorate the Second World War. Action: Clerk
iii) Fireworks and Bonfire Event 2019
The Chair referred to a report of the Clerk and a subsequent recommendation of the GGAG in relation to a fireworks and bonfire event. Members recognised the public support for such a venture expressed in the residents’ survey and the potential willingness of Stocksfield Cricket Club to arrange and manage the event. After discussion it was AGREED to earmark £2,500 from the Community Support budget to support the event in 2019, conditional upon the event being held and an agreement from the organisers to submit a post event report on payments and receipts which would then inform a review about future years. Action: Clerk
Mrs Dale left the meeting.
iv) Grant Award Policy – review
It was AGREED to make no amendments to the Grant Award policy and to review it in June 2020. Action: Clerk
b) Planning Advisory Group (PAG)
Members noted the planning report and the delegated authorities used as set out below.
19/01679/FUL The Rowans, 21 Painshawfield Rd |
Demolition of existing bungalow and rebuild of 2 storey dwelling |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
19/01864/FUL Apperley Farm West Cottage |
First floor extension with rear dormer. New sliding door at ground floor rear. |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
Appeal against refusal Ridley Mill House, Ridley Mill Road |
Listed building consent for demolition of existing two storey extension and replacement with two storey pitched roof extension with garden room projection |
No comment Note use of delegated powers |
19/7/94 Proposed 20 mph speed restriction A695
The Chair referred to previously circulated information provided by NCC and the consultation event held at the cricket club which had been attended by a number of members. After discussion, it was AGREED to
- make no comment in relation to the proposed permanent 20 mph limits in The Pastures and Hall Farm Close
- support the principle of an advisory 20 mph limit on the A695 but to propose the extent of the limit is increased west to Guessburn so as to include the narrower road and footpath which bring pedestrians into closer proximity to passing vehicles
- oppose the proposed use of flashing amber lights and signage but instead request the use of speed sensing devices that indicate either the formal speed limit or the advisory limit, depending on the time of day and the speed of vehicles
- request further consultation about the removal or repositioning of existing vehicle activated signage which members consider to be owned by the Parish Council
- request that no waiting at any time restrictions at the entrance to the sports field car park are extended west to Broomley First School and east to Merryshields Terrace as part of the road safety scheme
Action: Clerk
Mrs Rae left the meeting.
19/7/95 Stocksfield Sports Field: proposed partial surrender of lease relating to the eastern field
The Chair referred to a report of the Clerk in respect of the above which will facilitate the proposed development of the club house at the Sports Fields by the cricket club. Members discussed the impact of any potential pitch improvements to the eastern field and AGREED to surrender the area of land indicated in the plan provided and to seek legal advice in relation to the proposed deed of surrender. Action: Clerk
19/7/96 Parish Council Plan Group
The Chair reported that a further meeting of the group was held on 22/07/19. The next meeting is planned and the intention remains to present a draft plan to the Council meeting in October.
19/7/97 Traffic calming, New Ridley Road
The Chair referred to a letter and plan from NCC which proposes a single chicane on the north bound side of New Ridley Road between Meadowfield Road and Batt House Road. After discussion it was AGREED to object to the current proposal on the grounds that it would have limited effect and to request that a double chicane be installed to ensure that traffic in both directions is forced to slow down, irrespective of traffic density. Action: Clerk
19/7/98 Any other urgent business
There was no other business.
19/7/99 Date of next meeting
Monday 2 September 2019.
The Chair thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 9.11pm.