Present: Ms M Hunt (Chair), Mrs J Furniss, Mr C Liddle, Mr D Parke, Mr M Parker, Mrs H Rae, Prof R Thompson and Dr P Vickers.

Mr N Spencer (Clerk to the Parish Council)

Apologies: Mrs J Robson

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed those present.

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 14 May 2018

The minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Annual Report of the Chair

The Chair highlighted a number of areas referred to within her previously circulated annual report. In particular she made reference to the

  • Overspill car park at the sports fields
  • Change of name of the Council
  • Various traffic issues and the work of the Council to identify solutions to problems

The Chair made specific reference to Martin Stewart, the contracted groundsman, who does such a good job keeping the village looking so good and asked that her thanks to him be recorded. She also thanked the Clerk and her fellow parish councillors.


Report of the Ward County Councillor

Mrs Dale was not present but the Chair referred to her report which covered the following issues:

  • Highways
  • Replacement street lighting
  • Broadband
  • Northern Rail
  • Litter group
  • Rogue traders
  • Laying of fibre optic cables along the A695

Accounts 2018/19

The Chair referred to the previously circulated statement of receipts and payments which were noted.

Budget 2019/20

The approved budget for 2019/20 had been previously circulated and was also noted.

Any Other Business


The Chair closed the meeting at 7.43pm.