1. Background

1.1 The Council owns the western sports field and leases the eastern playing field on which a number of football and rugby pitches are located. A list of pitches is contained within appendix A.

1.2 The Council has agreements with established users in the community that allow specific clubs unlimited access to use the pitches for their own purposes. This includes arranging tournaments in which the clubs play. As a result of the proximity of pitches, the clubs work together to ensure that their playing activities are co-ordinated. Other clubs or organisations who wish to use the sports pitches must apply to the Council for separate permission. This policy and procedure governs any such ‘ad hoc’ use.

2. Principles

2.1 The Council will allow the ad hoc hire of sports pitches by clubs which are properly organised and constituted. Hire to individuals will not be allowed.
2.2 Ad hoc hire must not conflict or interfere with the established clubs with which the Council has existing agreements. Where doubt exists in relation to any potential impact (of whatever nature) on existing users, ad hoc hire will not be allowed.
2.3 Ad hoc users must agree to the terms and conditions set out in section 4.
2.4 The relevant pitch must be used for the appropriate age group of the players.
2.4 The use of the changing facilities in the cricket pavilion is not included within this policy and must be negotiated separately with the cricket club.
2.5 The Parish Council will recover its additional costs and account for general wear in determining the charging regime which is set out in Section 5.

3. Procedure

3.1 Requests for hire must be made to the Parish Council Clerk by email (see contact details below) and must be received at least seven clear days in advance (ie not including the proposed hire date or the date of receipt).
3.2 Applications must specify the pitch required, the date and hours between which the hire is requested, the clubs involved and the age of players.
3.3 The application must confirm that the hire conditions will be complied with.
3.4 The Clerk will liaise with the existing users and the Parish Groundsman to ensure that the proposed hire does not conflict with the principles in section 2.
3.5 The Clerk will notify the applicant as soon as possible.
3.6 Arrangements will be made to ensure that the process continues in the absence of the Clerk.
3.7 Payment for hire must be made by cheque or bank transfer. Payment by cash is not accepted.

4. Hire conditions

4.1 The following conditions are mandatory and all hirers must agree to
• Ensure that the surface of each pitch is suitable prior to any use.
• Remove litter and rubbish from the pitch and surrounding area.
• Not do or permit to be done or omitted any matter or thing which may be or become a nuisance or regarded reasonably as an annoyance to the Council or the owners or occupiers of any adjacent property and to indemnify the Council in respect of all liability incurred in consequence of any breach of the hire conditions.
• Provide all equipment for use, except goal posts.
• Insure all players, officials and spectators in accordance with the relevant sport’s National Governing Body’s guidelines and to indemnify the Council in respect of any liability to third parties arising in consequence of any act or omission relating to the use of the Sports Field on the part of any person whilst a member of the hiring club or any person for whose acts or omissions the hiring club or its members shall as against such third party be vicariously liable.

5. Charges

This section lists the current charges applicable to each pitch by size. However the availability of pitches may differ from year to year and the existence of a charge within this section does not confirm or imply that the size and type of pitch listed is currently available. The current pitches are described in Appendix A and should be consulted before an application for hire is made. The Clerk has delegated authority to amend Appendix A to reflect the prevailing layout of the sports fields.

The current charges are:

Senior football pitch : £50
Under 15 football : £35
Under 12/10 football : £30
Senior rugby pitch : £50

6. Contact details

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Adoption and Review History
Adopted at Parish Council Meeting on 4 April 2016
Revised 7 November 2016
Reviewed 3 February 2020, 7 February 2023
Next review February 2026


Appendix A

The following pitches are currently provided:

Association Football - 1 x senior, 1 x under 15, 1 x under 12 and 3 x under 10.

Rugby Union - 1 x senior.