1. Background
1.1 Stocksfield Parish Council is consulted formally by the Planning Authority in respect of all planning applications that directly affect the Civil Parish of Stocksfield. The Planning Authority also consults the Council about Sec 106 Agreements and certain significant Pre-Application Enquiries.
2. The Planning Committee
2.1 The Parish Council has established a Planning Committee which has delegated powers to decide the Council’s response to any matter listed in paragraph 2.2 of this policy where the matter cannot be determined using the delegated powers of the Clerk listed in paragraph 3.1 below and it is impractical for the matter to be considered by the Council at an ordinary meeting due to time constraints imposed by the Planning Authority.
2.2 The matters referred to in paragraph 2.1 are:
i) applications for planning permission including to vary any permission or discharge any condition,
ii) any planning appeal,
iii) any matter related to Listed Building Consents, Buildings of Special Architectural Interest, Historic Buildings and Conservation Areas,
iv) referrals from the Planning Authority in respect of Sec 106 Agreements or Pre-Application Enquiries, and
v) attendance of a member of the Planning Committee at any meeting of the Planning Authority in respect of any of the above.
2.3 The Committee consists of four members and three members shall constitute a quorum.
2.4 Committee meetings shall be held as and when necessary, and shall be convened either by the Chair of the committee or the Clerk.
2.5 Decisions of the Committee are to be communicated to the Planning Authority by the Clerk.
2.6 Minutes of a meeting of a Planning Committee will be received by the Council at the next meeting.
3. Delegated powers of the Clerk
3.1 Where the Clerk has referred any matter listed in paragraph 2.2 (i)-(iv) to the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee and the Chair or Vice-Chair has recommended that no comment should be made to the Planning Authority, the Clerk has delegated power to decide to make no comment and to communicate that decision to the Planning Authority. Where the Clerk disagrees with the recommendation of the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee or the Clerk is unable to use delegated powers because of a personal interest (whether of the Clerk, the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee), the matter should be referred to the next meeting of the Council or the Planning Committee (as in paragraph 2.1 above).
3.2 All delegated decisions of the Clerk will be reported to the next meeting of the Council.
Adoption and review history |
Adopted at Parish Council meeting on |
01/03/22 |
Reviewed on | 10/05/22 |
Reviewed on | 15/05/23 |
Next Review Due |
May 2024 |