In another challenging year for the Parish Council, we have done our best to maintain high standards and continue to offer our residents excellent value for money. In line with national legislation, full Parish Council meetings have taken place face-to-face since May 2021, albeit in a different venue and on a different day, and we have ensured access to those meetings for members of the public, with clear risk assessment measures in place. Meetings of Advisory Groups have been held remotely, enabling us to remain up-to-date and well informed despite the various restrictions with which we have needed to operate.
The composition of the Parish Council has changed somewhat during the year. Two of our longstanding members, Judith Furniss and Dennis Parke, left the Council at the beginning of May 2021, just before the local Council elections. We are very grateful to both of them for their valuable contribution to a number of Council activities and developments, and wish them well. Colin Chance was first co-opted and then newly elected to the Council in May, along with County Councillor Anne Dale, who has been a Parish Councillor previously. The remaining three places were filled in September when Amy Brooks, John Harrison and Jack Lapping were co-opted as Councillors. We are lucky here in Stocksfield to have so many talented and experienced residents who are willing to devote their time to the Council’s work.
In July 2021, in line with Northumberland County Council, the Parish Council declared a Climate Change Emergency and established a new Climate Change Emergency Advisory Group, consisting of three Councillors and convened by Colin Chance. Since then, a number of members of the local community have joined the Group, and reports from its meetings have been brought to Parish Council meetings. However, with the resignation of Colin Chance from the Council in March 2022, the Group, now known as Stocksfield Climate Change Group, has become freestanding and is working alongside Stocksfield Community Association. The future development of the Parish Council’s Climate Change Emergency Advisory Group is currently under discussion, and the Council will continue to ensure that its policies and practices take account of climate change and related implications. We look forward to seeing the activities of the new Group making a difference to the carbon footprint of our village.
We were very relieved that, by November 2021 Covid restrictions and infection rates were such that we were able to hold the Remembrance Service once again at the War Memorial. Thanks to the sterling efforts of Councillor Tim Hills and Nick Spencer, the Parish Council Clerk, the non-appearance of the sound system was quickly and efficiently dealt with, and proceedings went ahead smoothly. The large number of residents who attended were treated to the sight of a procession of Army personnel and local Scouting and Guiding groups, due to the temporary closure of the A695, and the Service was ably and movingly led by Rev. Dr Pat Moran. As always, this was a truly multi-generational community occasion, and I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to everyone who made it possible.
Despite the range of restrictions and safety measures we have all been living with, the day-to-day work of the Council has continued throughout the year, making a significant contribution to the quality of all our lives. The enthusiasm and commitment of our Grounds Services contractor, Martin Stewart, are evident all around us, in the beautiful Spring flower displays, our two lovely play areas, the sparkling Christmas tree throughout December, and the general high quality of cleanliness and safety which we enjoy. Our network of public access defibrillators, under the Guardianship of the Parish Council Clerk, has offered potentially life-saving support to almost all dwelling houses within our area. Advisory Groups and individual Councillors have reviewed the community flood plan, supported Stocksfield Cricket Club’s plans to develop and extend the Cricket clubhouse, arranged for Broomley First School pupils to use part of the sports field for outdoor education, and granted permission for Prudhoe Community High School pupils to enjoy their end-of-year prom at Stocksfield Cricket Club when their original venue was unable to accommodate them due to circumstances linked to the Covid virus. In addition, planning applications have been considered, and matters raised by the Rights of Way and Environment Group, such as the eradication of Himalayan balsam near our local waterways, have been acted upon. We also published two editions of NE43 News, our popular newsletter, in June and December 2021.
During the year, the Parish Council has made grants to Hindley St Margaret’s Burial Board, Broomley Parent Teacher Association, Friends of Stocksfield Community Woodland, and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration in support of projects which benefit a wide range of our community members. We have also made donations to a number of local charities, and passed on a Government–funded Covid 19 Restart grant to the Multi Use Games Area.
Underpinning everything that we do, of course, is the work of Nick Spencer, our Parish Council Clerk, whose resourcefulness, resilience and capacity for problem-solving have been even more vital than ever since the beginning of the pandemic. I am very grateful to him for the considerable commitment he demonstrates to the Council and to those who live in the area it covers. My sincere thanks also go to Martin Stewart, the Council’s longstanding Grounds Services contractor, whose hard work and dedication make our village such a lovely place in which to live and work.
After almost twelve years as a Councillor, ten of them in the role of Chair, I will be stepping down from the Council at the Annual Meeting in May. It has been an enormous privilege to represent my community, and I am proud of what the Council has achieved over the years. In general, whatever their political beliefs, Councillors put aside their differences, and focus their efforts on achieving the best outcome for residents, treating one another with respect and courtesy. I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to them, and to wish them well for the future.
Maggi Hunt April 2022